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097- "dépêche" October 2012

Body symmetry or dissymmetry ?
Créé le : Friday 13 March 2015 by Françoise Marzin Keller, Patrick Chêne

Dernière modificaton le : Friday 8 December 2017

We all know that dissymmetry rules supreme over the body.

On one side, on molecular level, amino-acids are L and glucose is D... Symmetry is broken. DNA or collagen helixes are Alpha...

Then, concerning rotation, one direction is favoured... including in body mechanic. To cradle a baby in our arms, we pratically all instinctivily start towards the left.

On the other side, we all know that the left part of the body tends to be more developped than the right one...

Though, as an osteopath, for example for the pelvis, we have learnt to treat it symmetrically, giving a similar role to the left and right sides. Even if experiment tells us that dysfunctions concern more one side than the other.

Some osteopaths works have shown dissymmetry as the following ones :

 William H Niedner, one of Sutherland’s student, which describes a fascial body helixe. Seen from the top of the head, fascias forms an helixe which turns clockwise and which pathologically can turn anti-clockwise.

 Yves Guillard who gives to Primary Respiratory Mouvement a third dimension dissymmetric component for example, when the sacrum goes up along the vertebral column during skull ’inspir’, the left iliac bone in human goes backwards when the right iliac bone goes forwards. Then, during expir, the symmetry reappears.

Those two works complete each other in a way that one deals with structure while the other one deals with the movement which should logically lean on this structure.

This is valid for all mammals and concerns several possible dysfunctions from worsening of the torsion to its impossibility.

And, to organise ostepathic treatment around this natural dyssemmetry, leads to simplification of the treatment as well as being more efficient on heavy pathologies as human scoliosis or carpus back (highly increased lombar arch) in our animals.

Therefore, for this horse :

Diagnosed with a scoliosis type distorsion during his growth, it has been possible to invert the processus and give him a more functionnal back, taking into account the Medullar Traction Force (MTF) and the physiological torsion (PT), which in this case was increased : a left iliac bone moving too far up and forward and a too static right iliac bone.

The purpose of the treatment was :

 To diminish MTF and its viceral interaction : the pathology appeared right after the castration
 To restore normal PT function, which is, a free pelvis in its own dissymmetric movement.

But, including dissymmetry in osteopathic way of thinking, does not stop here and allow many more openings.

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