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Changes in the Rider’s Seat After Osteopathic Treatment (Rés)

Créé le : jeudi 14 novembre 2013 par Dominique Prin-Conti

Dernière modificaton le : jeudi 14 novembre 2013


Our issue was to quantify changes in the seat of the riders after osteopathic treatment. A pre-test to quantify the success of the canter sound simulator was validated by 16 experienced riders at the stables of Montebello (Windor Horses). This enabled a comparative study with 28 experienced riders divided into a treated group and an untreated control group. The test of success gallop on equestrian simulator "Clergerie" and video analysis were developed to quantify the seat of the riders. Although our sample population showed dispersion criteria, Friedman ANOVA and coefficient of concordance Kendal demonstrated repeatability and reproducibility of our test (p> 0.05). A repeated measures ANOVA showed significance of our sound test for the treated group (p <0.05) and post hoc revealed that the effect was real for the retest and the retention test (p <0.05). However, the video analysis is not conclusive because the desired effect was the size of the measurement error. The scope of our study is limited for several reasons : our sound test is inherent in the machine, the excessive dispersion of our population and very expert character, the size of our population and our poor video capture and analysis. This sound test has become a reference for the education and rehabilitation of riding simulator at Windor Horse.


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