Ostéo4pattes - Site de l’Ostéopathie

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Saumur Chevaline 2016

dimanche 24 avril 2016 par Ostéo4pattes-Site de l’Ostéopathie

Ci-joints le programme et bulletin d’inscription de 4 journées organisées à Saumur à l’ENE sur la bioméca et l’ostéo. Ces journées se veulent très "pratiques" et du coup sont limitées à 24 participants. Elles sont organisées par Arno Linder, c’est international donc en anglais.

This course will provide theoretical and practical information on the effect of riding measures and manual therapies on the health and performance of horses.

Horses with a reduced performance without an explanatory medical finding will be examined and worked on.

Why attend AGPferd courses ?

Because there will be instructors of different professional and geographical background with outstanding knowledge and experience on the subject tackled.

What is different in AGPferd events ?

There will be relatively few participants, most of them quite to very experienced.
Plenty of time is provided to listen and observe the instructors explaining their opinions and showing their skills. All this under comfortable conditions, with good food and an impeccable atmosphere of joviality and professionalism !

October 5, 6 and 7, 2016
 École Nationale d’ Équitation (8 km from Saumur)
 Avenue de l’Ecole nationale d’équitation
 49 400 Saint Hilaire Saint Florent, France
 GPS coordinates : Longitude -0.11 / Latitude 47.26

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